Uptake of Contact Center on Lync Report
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Delivering an Optimal Customer Experience
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Twitter and the Customer Experience: A Guide to Getting Started
While FaceBook traffic still dwarfs Twitter, with almost 600 million unique visitors in the same month, Twitter may have more relevance to the contact center space. This paper provides tips for consumers and contact center managers alike to get started using Twitter as a useful tool.
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Why Companies are Choosing to Deploy the LiveOps Cloud-Based Contact Center
This white paper explores the explosive growth of cloud-based infrastructure, and the decision points of companies that have already made the move to the LiveOps Contact Center Cloud.
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The Value of Blending eServices and the Contact Center
With the explosion of broadband services and ubiquitous access to the Internet, the types of services customers are looking for have changed dramatically. eServices, the handling of non-voice interactions such as email, chat, faxes, SMS, Social Media and others in the contact center, can be an important part of an organization’s response to this challenge. Contact center management, however, often struggles with knowing the right channels to deploy, when to deploy them, and how to hire and train their agents to accommodate the newest channels. In this paper, three companies share their best practices in these areas.
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Leveraging the Best of the Contact Center … Across the Enterprise
One of the main themes in the enterprise communications market in the past few years has been deploying unified communications (UC) and leveraging the presence technology it delivers across the organization in order to ensure a superior customer experience. But UC doesn’t solve another prevalent issue standing in the way of providing first class customer service — the need for better efficiency and consistency in real-time back-office and order fulfillment processes in the rest of the organization.
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SOA, Web Services and Enterprise 2.0 in the Contact Center
We live in an age where the customer is king and minor blips in customer service can instantly become the fodder of social networking and video sharing Internet sites. Companies are struggling to understand how they can streamline existing processes, or create new ones, that improve service delivery to customers.
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UC-enabling the Contact Center
For those involved in selecting or recommending communications technologies, the term unified communications (UC) began to appear in vendor brochures, communications industry magazines and trade show banners about five years ago.
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The Expansion of the Contact Center
The move to VoIP technology brings with it the opportunity to expand the assets of the contact center in order to better serve customers. Introduction of email, web chat, fax short message service and even walk-in interactions becomes an easy extension to traditional voice.
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Customers’ Expanding Reliance on the Genesys Suite
The contact center market, since its inception with the first automatic call distributor thirty years ago, has seen constant change in the technology and applications used to support agents as they in turn serve customers. In the past 15 years or so, many companies – leaders in their own markets – have chosen Genesys as one of their key vendor partners.
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